Thursday 24 January 2013

Day #31 - January 24


DIRTY PRETTY THINGS – "Good at chess usually means you suck at life."

A couple years ago, I praised Audrey Tautou in AMELIE. In the same list, I touted Tom Wilkinson in IN THE BEDROOM as well. Last year in the list that was never sent out, I offered up the idea of having a late night show hosted by Tom Wilkinson with Gollum as his sidekick. Now I offer this. Tom Wilkinson, Audrey Tautou, Gollum, and Chiwetel Ejiofor (the star with Tautou in this movie) in a remake of WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?. Gollum would have to play a woman, but he’s versatile like that. These are the ideas that will become movies, I’m telling you. And yes, I’ve seen worse ideas cross my desk while working in this blessed, this Hollywood. (Some of them have been made!)

SCENE TO REMEMBER: Okwe (Ejiofor) discovering a human heart in one of the hotel’s toilets.

Again, Sam loved Audry Tautou as much as I did??...guess I wasn't paying attention to his review of AMELIE! If you haven't seen this movie, go rent it - it's intense and excellent. 

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