Sunday, 24 February 2013

Annual Academy Awards Day!


Of the four movies my company is releasing this fall, this is by far the best.  And the best movie I've seen so far this year.

It's written and directed by the Coen brothers, based on a Cormac McCarthy novel.  It's a suspense masterpiece, and yes, filled with violence.

Also happens to be one of the best-reviewed movies of the year.

Hope you see it.   

AND IT WON OSCARS FOR BEST PICTURE AND DIRECTOR IN 2008 (along with best adapted screenplay and best supporting actor).

Mom's note:  I got the poster and read the book -- I have never seen this movie although I have the DVD...I just can't do it.  

As a result of the power of this movie, it received numerous awards, among them the National Board of Review Award for best ensemble.  Scott Rudin dedicated this award to Sam and invited our family to the event.  He has graciously allowed me to reprint the part of his acceptance speech related to Sam:
Tragically, we lost one of our family - our office family - on December 8th of last year, when our colleague and friend Sam Cassel was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 28.   Sam had been with our company for five years.  That’s a long time when you’re 28.

Sam joined us as a fantastic kid, and at the time of his death he was becoming a fantastic man. He was a faux-cynic and a true believer. He was finding his own voice.  Sam was a movie maniac of ceaseless devotion, a deeply intelligent, passionately committed member of our nuclear family, and a resolutely optimistic believer in the possibility both of good things happening, and of merit being rewarded.

He loved Cormac’s book, and he loved the movie Joel and Ethan made of it. He loved being a part of it, and we loved him and we miss him. Sam’s family is with us here tonight, and so in his honor and in his memory I want to dedicate this award to NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN to Sam Cassel.  

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