Wednesday 6 February 2013

Day #18 - February 6

Today's entry is under the heading of movies that Sam "really liked" -- with some quintessential "Sam" commentary...

BAD EDUCATION – Like Hitchcock's VERTIGO, but, y'know, super gay.
BOURNE SUPREMACY – Great action sequences, unfortunately, I was bored
by the story once we hit the one-hour mark.  Just some bad writing.
CONTROL ROOM – Not the strongest documentary, but effective in getting
across the message that we can't trust anyone to deliver truth to us.
HOTEL RWANDA – Ever see a PG-13 movie about genocide?  Yeah, not as
powerful.  Cheadle's great though.
IN GOOD COMPANY – Almost there.  Almost!  Tantalizing close to
something really special.  Just had an awful ending.  I mean, awful.

Mom's note: Never a doubt about Sam's opinion on movies....

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