Wednesday 13 February 2013

Day #11 - February 13


THE NEW WORLD – Unimportant, in fact turn off the dialogue track.
Though a difficult movie to get into initially, I plead with all of
you to see it in the movie theatres.  It's simply one of the most
beautiful movies I've seen in some time.  Imagine that you lived in a
world full of trees, grass, and sunlight and that's all you knew.  Now
imagine that strange men come and, among doing some bad things, decide
to take you to their home.  And you discover a world that you never
saw.  A world where the trees are sculpted, the grass is cut to a
half-inch, and buildings have been built higher than you can imagine.
Since the movie mostly takes place in America, you get accustomed to
the natural world.  And when Pocahontas gets off that ship, you see
the Old World truly through her eyes—it's the New World to her.  It
sneaks up on you, but it's very effective and astounding.
SCENE TO REMEMBER: Pocahontas steps off the boat and sees the Old
World, which is new to her.  (I know I'm repeating myself, but it's a
great scene.)
MORAL TO THE STORY: Don't have relations with a white man (or
specifically Colin Farrell) or you will die.

Mom's note: Wow, this one blew right by me -- perhaps I'll have to check to see if it's on Netflix Instant Stream  -- not a big Colin Farrell fan although I did like him in IN BRUGES, but maybe it was because Bob and I visited Bruges right around the time the movie came out...

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