Monday 4 February 2013

Day #20 - February 4

SAM ON LES MIZ AND HIS NEMESIS ON THE INTERNET (Milam's comment about 4 drunk LA girls walking down the street singing songs from Les Miserables inspired this post)

SS (in response to an "obscure " -- not so obscure any more -- answer Sam had given to her [a fellow tracking member] via email): Sam, what is (2-4-6-0-1!!!)?  Morse code?

SAM: Jean Valjean's prisoner number.  In the musical for Les Miserables, he screams it out right after asking the question "Who am I?"

Oh yes, I am quite lame.

Btw, attached is an image of what people first think of when they see my name in print.  Happily, he's not on studio system...yet.

Mom's note: Sam would have thrown a fit if he had seen the title of this post "SAM ON LES MIZ..." -- he hated it when people shortened titles: "Mom, it's 'Les MisERABLES,' not 'Les Miz'!"  "It's 'Phantom of the Opera,' not just 'Phantom'!" 

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