Tuesday 5 February 2013

Day #19 - February 5


I'm writing my list...just kind of tired.  I went to a Spirit Awards party Thursday night.  Zach Braff tried to pick up my date by grabbing her and trying to pinch her butt.  She rebuffed him, but he  just moved to another group of girls to do the same thing.  They responded  better.  Not a good  show for an alum. [Zach Braff went to Northwestern]

I really liked Half Nelson.  I think if I hadn't seen The Wire though, I  wouldn't have liked it as much.  That show covers that world so well that I  felt I could understand the characters better in Half Nelson.

Mom's note: Sam was totally OBSESSED with The Wire.  He made us watch the first few episodes and even left Season 1 at home with us (and if you know how anal he was about his DVD collection, you'll understand what a big deal that was!!). And so we became totally obsessed as well -- to this day.  My favorite comment about the series came from a teacher friend of mine who watched only the best that TV had to offer and was quite vocal about it: "If you have HBO and you're not watching The Wire, you're just foolish."   Oh, and if you have read any of the Jo Nesbo novels (The Snowman, Phantom), there are any number of references to Baltimore and The Wire....

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